K- 12 Transfer Requests

The annual K-12 Student Transfer Process facilitates requests from students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 to transfer to schools outside of a designated catchment. To apply for a transfer request you must provide all required documentation and complete a form at the student’s current school in the week of February 19 – 25, 2019.

For students who are not in the catchment and looking to follow the school pathway at the time of transition from elementary to middle and middle to secondary (Grades 5 and 8), will now have to apply for a transfer request. Non-catchment students no longer automatically follow their current school pathway.

For more information on in catchment school pathways and transitions, please visit School Pathways & Transitions.

In the event, a school receives more transfer requests by grade than the number of seats it can accommodate, the waitlist order of transfer requests will be determined by lottery in accordance with our student enrolment priorities. Therefore, there is no advantage of submitting your transfer request first. Please submit your request at your convenience during the communicated dates.


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